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Hapu mudsdale op


Then he got me into the red, but I finished him with another Water Gun for the win.


Another Lea***e got me to 1/3 on the dot, so Torrent activated, allowing me to do over half with Water Gun. REALLY?!?! It brought me to 5 HP (did 22 HP damage). I started with Baby-Doll Eyes as his Lea***e scored a critical hit on the very first hit. Then we came to the mean, nasty Smeargle. He used his Potion, and my Water Gun did around half his remaining health, but my next one left him with a sliver, while I was out just under 1/3 my health after another Tackle. Another Water Gun got him into the red before he used Tackle once again. My Water Gun did over 1/3, as he used Tackle for another weak hit. I began with Symphonic against Yungoos, and opened the battle with an X Defense, as he used Tackle for a pretty weak hit (12/13). After training it to Level 13, and discovering that I can get an X Defense from one of the NPCs at the Marina, I took him on again. Sure enough, I wiped first time since I only had Symphonic. Then, Ilima challenged me, but I knew that it was going to be very difficult thanks to that Smeargle. I talked to the people there, and beat the Team Skull grunt that was present. I had to use a Potion afterwards, but I still beat her. Once we were at the Trainer's School, the only particularly difficult opponent was Teacher Emily with her Magnemite, as Water Gun was a 3HKO and her Thunder Shock did over half first time, but the second hit somehow did less.

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Then once I was at the festival, I could have wiped against Hau, but his Pikachu decided to only use Growl after the first Thunder Shock, and Litten was easy work for me. After all the opening stuff where I nearly die but Tapu Koko saves me, I chose Popplio and named it Symphonic. So I started up the game, chose the girl and named her Lumina. Will likely be given Return for coverage. Until I get a fire stone from Schoolboy Alan or decide to grind out the Pokeathalon, GunsNRoses will be taking a back seat in the team. Having been used to Growlithe, Vulpix has required a bit of getting used to, but it does get some good status options.Īnother greenhorn on the squad, Faint attack allows it to be a good hitter against Ghost and Psychic types. Well, Nickelback did not do too much this time around, as I was mainly grinding my new members. Metallica continues to conquer everything as always. Now it is time to grind for the Gym! Which involves wrecking the gym trainers, and doing the typical wild grinding. I finally caught a Magmar and named him LinconPark as LincolnPark did not fit. I really need one for GunsNRoses so I can actually use him. I got a call from Alan finally, but no fire stone. Huh, I can't catch a legendary? I'll see about that.Īlso I wake the legendary beasts and stand face to face with Suicune, which according to Eusine is a very important judgement of a trainers skill. Nickeback took care of the Zubat, and Magnemite same way. But I still spammed smokescreen regardless. But just like last time, He switches in the Croconaw, so I go into Metallica to counter(I really have no counters to a water type.) But if there is one thing, have the level advantage. AC/DC gains a level, AND snaps out of confusion. REALLY!?! This is the second time your Gastly committed suicide. I lead with AC/DC, he leads with Gastly, and hits me with a confuse ray, but I get 2 embers off regardless, getting the ghost type down below half, when he decides to use curse. But instead I came across a mysterious man named Eusine, who is chasing Suicune, and shows me the location of the legendary beasts. Once I got back to violet city, I ran straight to the burned tower in hopes of catching my next teammate. After this I backtracked all the way to Goldenrod to pick up an Eevee, which I named GunsNRoses.


The route up to violet was little issue, aside from two annoying (yet cute) beauty's an their Clefable/Wigglytuff.Īfter entering Violet city, I met Bill, the creator of the PC system.

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Not much happened aside from running to and fro battling trainers, though I did give Kenya the Spearow to the man, and got a rest TM for my efforts. After going back to get the SquirtBottle (I'm an idiot) I engaged the Sudowoodo, and caught it with little problem. Along the way, AC/DC learned confuse ray. As per normal, I am to kill all trainers to grind up my new team member, and as such, ransack the park, and east half of route 35. Last time we stopped at the national park, and now a new day, new adventure. Pokemon Soul Silver Fire Monotype PT 7 Up in smoke, down in flames.

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